aka spring break. What a mean, mean trick to play on teachers...gets you all psyched for summer and then BAM! It's all, "JK! You still have a month and a half left of school!" Maybe if it was back in March like most normal places then I'd feel better about going back to school this particular Monday coming up.
Maybe it's because I think I've been in a teaching "funk" since I dunno, October? Things change when you have your own kids (and I don't just mean stretch marks, no sleep, and permanently larger hips). It's harder to invest so much time/effort into other people's kids when you know you have your own at home. Don't get me wrong, still love the little nose pickers but it's just...harder.
I actually felt a little nervous to spend an entire week at home alone with Jillian. I haven't done that really since maternity leave. Good news: we both survived. I think my memories of staying home with her revolve around her reflux issues when things were HARD. Oh so hard. But this time it was nice! She doesn't scream all day anymore, she naps for 1-2 hours, can entertain herself for longer periods of time, and plays peekaboo with me. It was a nice boost for my inner mommy ego.
I had big plans for spring break (plans I would later learn would not be fulfilled because of their loftiness). My goal was to get absolutely everything unpacked, put away, hung up, decorated, etc. I had a week right? Despite the fact I did things every day, there is still a long, long way to go. This house biz is time consuming.
Not to mention all I want to talk about is decorating. That didn't really hit me until after debating curtain rods for thirty minutes Michaela finally looked at me and said, "Whitney I can only talk about this for so long." .."Oh.." So I'll have to browse Pinterest and stalk house decor blogs in Private..like a fat person trying to sneak a brownie (which is ironic because I just ate a cookie).
It was good. I want more. (Spring break that is...and also cookies...)
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