
oh, hey june.

It's a week into June which means I officially survived May! It was a crazy one (May that is). In the life of a teacher it means end of year testing. Because I'm the lead teacher for Provo's online school, I had to coordinate and proctor the tests for ALL of the online students in 3rd-12th grade. I usually work from home, but the whole month of May I was gone 4 days week from 7:30-5. Talk about exhausting...I don't think I could go back to teaching in the classroom full-time again. Even the thought of it makes me want to just take a nap.

But we're done! And it's officially summer. Between me and you, I get a little nervous when there is absolutely NOTHING on the agenda. A whole three months of nothing to do?! I'm the thrive-off-of-a-schedule kind of person. But to be honest, so far it's been fantastic!  

We've had lots of play dates, played at the splash pad, built a mini-sandbox, cooked up some yummy recipes, planned lots of home improvement projects, and I've actually stayed (mostly) caught up with laundry! See? Fantastic! 

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