
san diego trip, part 1

We had the best time in San Diego! It was our first "real" family vacation with just the four of us. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE our trips to Florida to visit my family but it was fun to explore all on our own! It was my first time getting a rental car- I felt like a grownup level 900.

Our first stop was Sea World! We opted for this over Disney World because Jillian gets a lot of anxiety in new situations and doesn't like rides much, so we figured she'd enjoy this more. She loved it! Both she and Olivia were geeking out over all of the animals. Olivia would get really upset when we would start to walk away from one of them. 

^Flamingos are crazy weird. Sometimes I wonder if these were created by accident or on purpose...caaauuusseee....

 ^Hanging out in some polar bear caves! Jillian ran out screaming when they played an audio clip of a bear roaring. Thanks for that, Sea World. :-p

 ^One of Olivia's favorites- the sea turtle aquarium! Probably because she could get right up next to it!

Feeding the sea lions was a fun experience! Jillian was too freaked out to actually touch the fish- haha! Those suckers are loud!

^ Dolphins are my favorite! Little did I know James was kind of obsessed with dolphins when he was younger so coming to Sea World was kind of big deal to him- haha! (Which means when we went swimming with dolphins several years ago he must have nearly peed his pants out of excitement). :-D

 ^I was super excited to touch the Manta Rays. They're so gross and cool at the same time. I'm convinced they're actually aliens. I mean LOOK at them.

 ^They both picked out the same souvenir (at least they won't fight over each others..). I think this is the first toy that Olivia has really clung to and it's downright adorable! Though it's a polar bear she calls it a puppy- I suppose it could pass as both.

 I was surprised at how well they both did with being there ALL day long. It was a fantastic start to our vacation!

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