Dear Jillian,
There is this saying that "kids grow like weeds." This is completely true. However what the simile excludes is how adorable, huggable, and laughable said kids are- which weeds are not. You grew out of your 3 month clothes in like 3 weeks. You're wearing most of your 6 month clothes now (only some are too big). I'm pretty sure your feet are already like the size of an 8 month olds...blame your dad for that one. You weigh 15 pounds now (around the 55th percentile for weight for your age).
You did some landmark things this month. You REALLY started cooing. Before you would just kind of grunt and occasionally make other sounds by complete surprise, but now you have full on conversations with whoever is willing to listen. Your timing was quite impeccable because I was just starting to get a little worried about how quiet you were (especially since they're diagnosing autism these days like passing out fun size candy bars on Halloween). But no worries! You're normal. And we're glad.
You also rolled over from your back to your tummy! That took a lot of arm strength..but you reaaalllyyy wanted that toy you were going for. So I'm thinking your days of immobility are numbered. One night you even rolled to your tummy in your crib and fell asleep on your arm. You weren't too happy about that when you woke up and discovered your predicament. Speaking of which, you move around in your sleep like CRAZY. You'll roll from side to side. When you are on your tummy, you're starting to move your legs more and more, and a few times you've almost pulled them up underneath you (like a pre-crawl position). You're getting the hang of things, kid.
You found your feet! It was kind of the same process as your fingers...first you would just stare at them like some foreign object...then you realized you could control them...then you grabbed them! You haven't started sucking on them yet though, so maybe I can squeeze in a little toe polish for the holidays? We'll see.
You want food SO BADLY!! You stare and grab and whatever food we are trying to eat. Sometimes you even attempt to dive bomb towards a plate of food with your mouth open and ready. However, at your 4 month check-up, Dr. Kendall said to wait to give you rice cereal until you are 5 1/2 months old, and fruits and veggies at 6 months (because of food allergies- that's the recommendation now) you'll have to hang in there just a little bit longer.
Sometimes you can sit up by yourself...for about 2 seconds...before you face plant into the ground (most times I catch you before that happens...most times...). You love being up and around whatever is going on though.
I just asked your Dad if I left anything off of the list of things you do...he said, "Chews on her fingers, laughs really loud, squeals like a pig..or a cat."
There you have it.
You've been doing great with all your reflux stuff though. We tried to wean you off of one of your medicines a few weeks ago and it failed I guess you aren't quite ready for that. But we'll try again in another month! I think we've got your medicines/feeding routine down like pros.
You are seriously the CUTEST little person I have ever met (I'm probably biased). I can't get enough of YOU!
Love ya like crazy,
These pictures are killing me! I can't wait to see her, it has been way too long. The "squeals like a pig or a cat" comment made me lol. :)