
Baby's First Christmas

Christmas day was fabulous. We woke up and went to church, where there was an AWESOME Christmas program. Then we came home, put on our traditional Christmas jammies and opened presents.

I'm pretty sure Jillian loved crinkling the wrapping paper more than the actual toys/clothes/books she got...but either way we cheesed up every moment by helping her open each gift. 

Ryan, Kimber and the girls got there just in time for Christmas brunch (which was as fattening as it was delicious- quiches, baked french toast, bacon, breakfast casserole, holy smokes!). Then we exchanged gifts with them and settled down for a nap. 

We decided to also do a big Christmas dinner this year (usually it's just brunch), which was also amazing (beef wellington, mashed potatoes, green beans). And then we all sat around feeling extremely glutenous, but happy. Very happy. 

Merry Christmas! (or Murry Cri'mus! as some say). 

1 comment:

  1. I spy a baby bullet!! :) Those things seem to be really useful!


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