Five is a landmark year! It's the first year we'll do back-to-school shopping, parent-teacher conferences, and then I feel like I'll blink and she'll be 18 and graduating. We're at the beginning of it all, folks. I'm both excited and terrified for her (which, as it turns out, is actually an accurate representation of being a parent 24/7).
We started the day with birthday pancakes- a tradition in our house. Then she went to lunch with Michaela and Timmy, and in the afternoon we saw Alice in Wonderland Jr. at Hale Center Theater (a play by kids, for kids) with a friend! I was really impressed with how well the performers did! I definitely didn't have that much talent at that age.
To finish the day we had dinner and froyo (her favorite treat!) with Grandpa! He also got her her very first bike! Which she picked up a LOT quicker than I was anticipating. Thank goodness for training wheels. ;-)
A few days later we had a second round of celebrating at Grandma's house! I just love her expression in this picture! (Though to be fair, I look at cake the exact same way!)
The last bit of celebrating happened a couple weeks later at her birthday party with her little friends at The Bounce House! It was definitely the easiest birthday party I've ever done since the facility provided everything--maybe I should just do that more often. ;-) It was definitely low-stress!
Besides the fact it was like a million degrees in the building, we all had a good time! There was a super cheesy face painter/balloon artist/magician called "Dynamic Dave" who kinda sorta freaked out the kids a bit (and to a degree the adults as well), but I think they all at least enjoyed their balloon animals and crazy hats! Jillian left hers on just long enough for me to snap a picture. Hah!
It's been a fun-filled few weeks of celebrating! And now that there are only a few weeks left of summer...I'm ready to slow down and enjoy more lazy days and time spent at the pool!
^First day of swim lessons with Uncle Timmy!
Jillian is definitely my reserved, overly-cautious child, but so incredibly bright and thoughtful. It's been an especially challenging several months helping her learn to deal with getting easily frustrated by things, but just when I think I'm at the end of my rope and basically the worst Mom on the planet, she turns around and does something completely unprompted that is so sweet and caring for myself or Olivia. She has an incredible imagination and I love to just listen to her play. She loves all things arts and crafts and will be entertained by those types of things for hours! (wonder where she gets that from...). I can't wait to see how she continues to blossom when she begins kindergarten in a few weeks!
Happy 5th birthday Jillian! We love you to pieces!
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