The thing that really won us over though was the restaurant, Spruce. I've never been to a restaurant where the waitress sort of just appears and actually waits until you acknowledge her before she talks to you. Or where people come out bringingf different samples of things while saying, "compliments from the chef." With some of those things they brought, compliments definitely go back to the chef. High quality service, for reals. What did we order? Fabulous-ness. James got roasted duck and I got some fancy named steak with a creamy truffle sauce. OH MY GOSH. Best thing I've EVER eaten (and I usually am not a steak eater either). For dessert we got a banana split that had caramelized bananas, three different flavors of ice cream, and on the side had what I described as "little cauldrons" of chocolate sauce, candied almonds, chantilly cream, and peanut butter somethings. Uh-may-zing. AMAZING. Literally we sat there for almost two hours to finish our meal because I don't think we wanted it to be over. Haha.
During the day we walked around Main Street and checked out some of the art galleries. It was here I realized I forgot my memory card in my camera, so I have no pictures of this. Lame I know. But it totally reminded me of two things: New England (even though I've never been but in my head that's what it would look like) and Mickey Mouse's neighborhood in the Magic Kingdom. Some of the little houses looked like that.
The weather was no less than perfect. Sunny with a breeze! I love the fall. Even though it means winter is coming (uuuggghhh), it's pretty for now!
Today we went to the outlets and did a little shopping...okay I did a little shopping. Seriously going to go back there without having dropped heinous amounts of money on hotel and food so I can do more SHOPPING! I think Banana Republic was my favorite store. I now understand why people shoplift. Because sometimes, you just HAVE TO HAVE THAT. I know, I completely get it. I'm just not brave enough to ever try. Instead I try to make puppy eyes at my husband while reminding him how much more frugal I am these days than in my single days. Works to an extent ;-)
Being married has been amazing though. I wouldn't change anything we've been through together. I'm glad I wake up every morning realizing I'm next to the man of my dreams!!! Can't put a price on that. /cheesy.
In other news, WE'RE MOVING! For no substantial reason other than we want a change of indoor scenery and we think I need a healthy distraction, haha. I'm excited about our new place. My new favorite part will be the full size DISHWASHER! WOO!
Fall break? You were everything I needed.
Happy Anniversary!! We are so glad you had a great time. Come visit again soon, we have winter deals on, hope to see you soon.