
olivia turns 3!

My baby is THREE! This is especially weird, because Jillian was 3 when Olivia was born, and now Charlotte is almost here and Olivia is 3! Where is the time going?

 Also, can you believe that little toe-head started out with a head full of black hair!?

 We started out the day with traditional birthday sprinkle pancakes. Olivia insisted we light the candle and sing to her 4 times, which we did of course.

 That night we had our family over for a birthday dinner. She was so excited about it all day! She especially loved the play makeup from Tia Cynthia. (Her eyebrows are still purple).

 I love doing big, all-out birthday parties, but this year there was just too much going on to take on the extra planning! It actually was kind of nice not worrying about anything except making a cake..hah! And Olivia had just as much fun. Maybe I should take note...

Some of Olivia's favorite things:
Elsa (and princesses in general)
Doing anything Jillian is doing
Jumping/running- she's never still
The Bounce House (a warehouse with a ton of large bounce houses)
The soundtrack from Trolls
The show The Lion Guard
Peanut butter sandwiches 
Playing in the dirt

Some of Olivia's least favorite things:
Getting buckled in her car seat 
Waking up (she's not a morning person)
Putting on clothes
Keeping her shoes on

The term "threenager" couldn't fit her better- she is both sweet and (at times) sassy! She is a big time cuddler and always makes sure you give her hugs and kisses before walking out the door. She loves playing and pretending with Jillian, especially with dolls, games where one of them is the mom and one is the baby, or both of them pretend to be kitties. Her laugh is infectious (and she snorts a lot!). Sometimes she talks just to hear herself talk- she will go off telling me the most random, unrelated things, which usually end up being pretty funny. She is so full of life and love and I couldn't imagine our little family without her! 

When we put her to bed after her party, she excitedly asked, "Can we do this again when I'm four?!" 
We love you so much Livvy-loo! 

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