So I think one reason that you're pregnant for almost a whole year (holy cow I'm so ready to NOT be pregnant) is that you really need quite a bit of time to get everything ready. Maybe not everybody does...but I definitely have found things to fill my time/more things to add to the "to do" list...and usually just when I think everything is done, nope. Not really.
I saw on A Baby Story that it's a tradition in the Orthodox Jewish religion not to bring anything into the house for the baby, until a healthy baby comes home. AH! How do OCD Orthodox Jews handle themselves?! I'd be going insane. Major props for patience.
Anyway, I can confidently say that we have about 98% of everything ready/done. Things that still need to be done:
-finish packing the hospital "go" bag
-install the car seat
-buy a swing and pack n' play thing or bassinet
-wash baby clothes size 6 months and up (so I don't get to that drawer and think...have these been washed already?)
-buy baby friendly stain remover for poopy clothes
Not bad. The list has been narrowed down from about 23,098,134 things, to these 5. I think I can handle it. Fortunately, only the first two things are absolutely necessary before she arrives, so really we're set if she wants to come like tonight. I'm down.
But her room is set and ready to go. Well, her HALF of the room I should say...the other half is James' office space. He didn't really have a choice in sharing, but I don't think he minds.
I saw on A Baby Story that it's a tradition in the Orthodox Jewish religion not to bring anything into the house for the baby, until a healthy baby comes home. AH! How do OCD Orthodox Jews handle themselves?! I'd be going insane. Major props for patience.
Anyway, I can confidently say that we have about 98% of everything ready/done. Things that still need to be done:
-finish packing the hospital "go" bag
-install the car seat
-buy a swing and pack n' play thing or bassinet
-wash baby clothes size 6 months and up (so I don't get to that drawer and think...have these been washed already?)
-buy baby friendly stain remover for poopy clothes
Not bad. The list has been narrowed down from about 23,098,134 things, to these 5. I think I can handle it. Fortunately, only the first two things are absolutely necessary before she arrives, so really we're set if she wants to come like tonight. I'm down.
But her room is set and ready to go. Well, her HALF of the room I should say...the other half is James' office space. He didn't really have a choice in sharing, but I don't think he minds.

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