One of the highlights of our trip was our family reunion! This was the first official reunion with my Mom's side of the family with all of the cousins I grew up with- it was such a blast!
We rented giant inflatable water slides and spent a lot of playing on those, swimming, and hanging out outside try to avoid piles of fire ants (something my girls had to learn about the hard way).
The littles loved the golf cart train!
^Double fisting snacks. This kid probably had 50 Tootsie Pops that weekend.
^We had a large tarp/tent thing set up outside to eat and chill under. At one point a storm blew in really quickly and it started down pouring. When the wind picked up it almost blew the whole thing away so we had to lower it to the ground and all crammed underneath it while we waited for the storm to blow over! Come to think of it...I guess none of us were too concerned about lightning! (Yikes!)
One night we had a movie night, dinner, and an impromptu dance party at the church. The kiddos loved all being together and being crazy (something our family does well). ;-)
^Making pet rocks and spoon puppets!
When the music started playing Olivia danced literally non-stop for almost an hour straight. She was fueled by the endless amounts of Skittles and M&Ms on the table within her reach I'm sure.
^Almost all of the cousins and our spouses out to lunch! Some of my favorite memories growing up are with my cousins- they really defined my childhood. Like driving to school every morning jamming out to Jimmy Eat World, making homemade movies with terribly cheesy plot lines (The Last Scream of Elizabeth Kisser), four wheeling, and swimming at Dave's pond. I definitely want my kids to have that same connection with their cousins!
(Almost) all of us!
^I couldn't find these two for a few minutes. Then I followed the giggles and found them playing and laughing on Nana's bed! (The flash from my camera threw them off in this picture..haha!)
Our family decided to start doing this reunion every other year and I couldn't be more excited. There just isn't anything else as good as family. <3 span="">3>
^Feeding turtles at the pond at Nana and Papa's new house! The ducks weren't interested. Oh well, feeding turtles is way cooler.
I also got to meet up with one of my best friends from high school and her cute baby for lunch one day! Ten years later and she hasn't changed a bit!
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