
tiny dancer

Geeeeeeez I can't keep up with blogging lately (or housework, work work, laundry...but don't worry I'm fully up to speed on my Hulu shows ;-) Priorities...killin' 'em.) 

 (By the way- I took this before she even went into the first class and she came up with the pose all by herself! I about died.)

Jillian started ballet last week! Of course it's something I always wanted her to do since I enjoyed dancing growing up, but I really believe in letting kids choose things they want to do- trying out several things, and finding what they are passionate about. Between soccer, tumbling, and ballet- well, you see which one won! (Though I may sign her up for soccer regardless because I can't imagine anything more hilarious than a bunch of 4 and 5 year-olds running around trying to play an actual game of soccer--wait, is that a bad reason to make your kid do something?).

The class she's in is fairy tale ballet- it's perfectly girly and frilly, two things we're pretty good at doing in this family. They start by reading a portion of a fairy tale, then dress up as a character from the story and practice technique by acting as that character. Yes, it's adorable. 

I love that at all of the studio rooms have two way mirrors, so you can watch them the whole time! Sometimes Olivia bangs on the glass to try to get Jillian's attention...so that may blow our cover at some point.

 I made this little video of her first class that I shared on my Instagram page:

She just glows the entire time. It's been so fun to watch her enjoy this so much! 

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