
my one and only resolution

I had ONE New Year's resolution this year.
Just one. 

Last year I thought of a whole list, and completed nearly all of them. I thought about doing that again but I figured the most important things I want to get done will get done, and the other stuff won't, and that's okay- but I could manage ONE goal, right?!

Nope. I couldn't. I can't. 

My one goal for 2015 was to stick to some kind of weekly cleaning schedule. That may sound weird...but I'm a total binge cleaner and it kind of drives me nuts. I do really like things to be clean and orderly, but with two kids, a full-time work-at-home job, and an endless list of DIY projects going on around my house it just isn't practical. Cleanliness isn't practical right now. HAH! 

Don't get me wrong, I straighten up (mostly) at the end of each day (though I haven't quite figured out why I even do that when it goes from organized to post-tornado destruction zone the first hour the girls are awake...), but actual cleaning- like when the dusters, Windex, and Clorox are broken out- usually happens for a couple hours on a Saturday (...maybe every other Saturday...). My sink is constantly full of dirty dishes and there is usually a small land mass of laundry piled on my bedroom floor 3 times a week.
Eventually I get so irritated that I stop whatever I'm doing and go on a cleaning spree.

So in this attempt to change, I even found a super cute printable to write down what to clean on each day, what you'll clean every day and then weekly. I printed it off and thought about which chore I could do the easiest on which day depending on the load of my schedule.
It looked really good.
My house was gonna be really clean ALL the time. 
In theory it makes total sense to spend only 15-20 minutes a day cleaning (instead of watching The Bachelor) to avoid weekend binge cleaning.
In practice?...
I think I made it like two weeks. Clearly not workin' for me.

I'm in the progress of figuring out a better system, maybe it will work, maybe it won't. Maybe I secretly hope one day I'll be loaded and just hire a cleaning lady. It just isn't a talent of mine.

And that's okay. 

This is related, promise...but I've seen this meme going around facebook and Pinterest recently:

And it bugs the snot outta me. 
Not that I've ever made rainbow spaghetti, or even homemade Playdough, but I've done things equally as crazy as some may view it. So I feel like I have to defend this a little bit...
I like DIY projects.
I like craft projects.
I love throwing cute kids' parties.
They're my hobbies, my talents, things I do in my free time because they make me happy and give me a creative outlet (and something to do at night while my husband is knee-deep in homework for grad school). 
I share some of them on this little blog because I'm proud of them. It's an extension of me- something I've invested my time and energy in. Why wouldn't I be?

Some people paint, some read, some are gym junkies, and why are THEY not getting eye rolls and snarky memes? 
"Can you believe she read a novel in TWO days??? *eyeroll*"
"She painted a watercolor landscape!? Egh. Ack. We can't all be Picasso."

It's CRAZINESS I tell you. And stupid.
So stop it.

I really love this from Scary Mommy Blog on the subject:

But guess what? I don’t do it for show and I don’t do it to make other moms feel inadequate. Heck, I don’t even do it for my kids’ benefit. Oh, no. It’s even crazier than that: I do it because I like to.
That’s right; We Pinterest Moms are Pinterest Moms because we like it! We like to craft. We like to decorate. We like to cook and we like to throw parties. We like to make stuff… for fun.
If and when we do show our crafts/baking/parties, it isn’t about you. No, you Non-Pinterest Moms don’t like it and we get that. We just read the fiftieth article that painted us all with the “show off/trying too hard/faking it” brush. We know you don’t want to see it, but that’s okay because we didn’t post that picture to Instagram for you. It was for US. Yes, us.
- See more at: http://www.scarymommy.com/pinterest-mom/#sthash.EKWbCS6e.dpuf
 "I don't do it for show and I don't do it to make other moms feel inadequate. Heck, I don't even do it for my kids' benefit. Oh, no. It's even crazier than that: I do it because I like to.

That's right; We Pinterest Moms are Pinterest Moms because we like it! We like to craft. We like to decorate. We like to cook and we like to throw parties. We like to make stuff...for fun.

If and when we do show our crafts/baking/parites, it isn't about you. No, you Non-Pinterest Moms don't like it and we get that. We just read the fiftieth article that painted us all with the "show off/trying too hard/faking it" brush. We know you don't want to see it, but that's okay because we didn't post that picture to Instagram for you. It was for US. Yes, us.

But you see: It's not a competition because we were never competing. We were just having fun in the way that we have fun."

You don't have to compete
Instead why don't you contribute. In your own way- whatever that is.
It would do us all some good.
But guess what? I don’t do it for show and I don’t do it to make other moms feel inadequate. Heck, I don’t even do it for my kids’ benefit. Oh, no. It’s even crazier than that: I do it because I like to.
That’s right; We Pinterest Moms are Pinterest Moms because we like it! We like to craft. We like to decorate. We like to cook and we like to throw parties. We like to make stuff… for fun.
If and when we do show our crafts/baking/parties, it isn’t about you. No, you Non-Pinterest Moms don’t like it and we get that. We just read the fiftieth article that painted us all with the “show off/trying too hard/faking it” brush. We know you don’t want to see it, but that’s okay because we didn’t post that picture to Instagram for you. It was for US. Yes, us.
- See more at: http://www.scarymommy.com/pinterest-mom/#sthash.EKWbCS6e.dpuf

So there you go. I'm good at some things, and really terrible at others (I'm looking at you cleaning). GO figure.

So in the meantime, I'll keep looking at my ceiling fan every night covered in way too much dust wondering how it even sticks there when it's on whipping around every night. Seriously...just fly off onto the floor so I can vacuum you up

...next Saturday...


  1. We are one and the same Whit! Those memes bug the mess out of me too!!

  2. Lol.... Everybody I know adores you!!


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