I realized I haven't blogged about what we've been up to in a while. Admittedly it isn't anything too exciting- just ordinary, regular day-to-day life. Sometimes that's where the best stuff happens! The stuff I want to remember anyway.
^As much as I hate the snow, they love it! What kid doesn't though, really?
^A couple weeks ago we took the girls bowling for the first time! They both really loved it. Olivia had a hard time understanding the concept of taking a turn, and they both pretty much lost interest around the 7th frame. Jillian actually got the highest score...which isn't embarrassing at all.
^I love my expression in this picture realizing Olivia is getting yet another spare. I mean they DID get to use the gator and the gutter rails, so it was somewhat of an unfair advantage...but still...getting beat by a 4 year-old doesn't do much for the ego!
^Jillian went to one of her good friend's birthday parties recently where they were pampered at a hair salon. She told her stylist she wanted to look like Aurora. I texted my Mom a picture and she said, "Before you know it she'll be getting ready for prom!"And then I wanted to cry. Haha! It was fun watching them get dolled over though!
^My friend Kristen bravely invited us to her Valentine's party with her joy-schoolers at her house. There were 18 kids altogether! Surprisingly it wasn't as crazy as you may have thought. Give kids some balloons and Sweethearts and they'll be happy no matter what.
^We met my cousin and her kiddos for a play date at the dinosaur museum. They moved back from Indiana a few months ago and it has been the best thing ever!! Her oldest and Jillian will both be starting kindergarten this fall so I'm glad I'll have her to call and sob to after drop off on the first day of school. ;-)
^Olivia is cracking me up lately. She's such a ham and is talking so much. She loves being goofy and will follow anything and everything Jillian does. She's recently figured out how to scurry up the bar stools and get onto the counter, which is basically driving us nuts.
^Cubby's! I went there for the first time with James for our Valentine's date and it was probably one of the best burgers I've ever had. If you've never been, get the Houdini burger. And those sweet potato fries?! Let's just say I already have plans to go back this week.
^Over the weekend we had plans to take the girls to the indoor trampoline gym. We knew it would be a little crazy with Monday being a holiday, but the wait to even pay to get in was at least 30 minutes long! No thanks. So we opted for an arcade instead. Jillian had a hard time understanding how to execute an underhand throw in skee ball (and was thus a little dangerous)...but it was fun playing games together! Plus we had a delicious Dole whip!
^We went for pizza Saturday night and it was deeeelicious! Nicolitalias was a place we went to often when we were first married, but realized we hadn't been in years! Taking the kids out to eat with us for dinner is always risky...you know, melt downs, spills, general rambunctiousness..but they did pretty well. The free suckers they passed out at the cash register definitely helped. There was only one spill and it was my fault. Oops!
^In October I started Weight Watchers! I have been working my tail off and have lost 20 pounds with 5 more to go until my goal. It has been stinkin' hard, but so worth it! I think what I love most is how much stronger I feel- physically and mentally!
February was a pretty ordinary, but pretty wonderful month! It's starting to warm up now and has made me SO excited for spring. As much as I hate winter, it makes me appreciate the other three seasons a thousand times more!!
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